New Dictionary of Portuguese synonyms (Cândido de Figueiredo)Dictionary of Portuguese synonyms with more than 150,000 words and definitions!Find the meaning and synonym of any word at any timeand always get the most up-to-date and correct results.Offline Dictionary of the Portuguese Language containing synonyms for more than 20,000 common words.The application is ideal for students and teachers in elementary school, high school, university and postgraduate students.With the Portuguese Language Dictionary you will learn a new word every day through the Word of the Day feature, a unique feature of our application for users who want to increase their vocabulary.Thesaurus offline features- A wide vocabulary (more than 20,000 synonyms as mentioned in the description)- Quick Search (just type the first few letters)- Thesaurus does not require Internet connection- History search- easy to navigate- Copy/Paste functionality New Dictionary of English synonyms language (Cândido de Figueiredo)